Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gracie come home

The best thing about being a hunter is your companion ......when gracie was small I had to release her into the wild until she was stronger. As soon as I as able I went down to the wilds of Stranglethornvale and fetched her. I was still quite wet behind the ears and it was a risky trip but I was able to bring her home. We now are true companions.

Twinity Dharmaecho Zen

Entered in twinitys' apt competition, how ever this shot is to primarily record my av's evolution. She is coming along. The av building tools in twinity are pretty minimal and though I am not really concerned about glamor avatars I would like to look decent.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Twinity Gallery

This was taken in my gallery in Twinity. However since all the upgrades much of it is gone and I have not redone it yet - oh and my hair got got ummm whiter and I had to rebuild my avatar she got lopsided and I now seem to have some type of skin problem. It is tough living in a beta world sometimes.

Twinity New City

Does it look like I am blowing kisses? I hope so. Greetings from the New city of Berlin. We can walk around it!

Second Life Poster Bridge Bay city

Second Life Poster Bayjou

The Bayjou- Bay City Second Life

Second Life Poster Air Terminal

The Airship terminal - Bay City Second Life.

Second Life Poster Battery Passage Light house

The new Bay City sims in Second Life.
I created a series of posters for the new sims, they are at my place in Falconmoon, Birds@Baycity. Right across from the Linden amphitheater. Great view and easy access to the water ferry.